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5 Practical steps to sharing the gospel at work

When you become a Christian, you are enrolled into a family and tribe that transcends dominions and kingdoms here on earth. You now belong to a family of God! (Ephesians 2;19). You are also a credentialed ambassador of the empire of Jesus, who is the High King of the universe. God has given to us the message of reconciliation, the good news that reconnects the lost back to God. When you go to church, you’re an ambassador for the King. When you hang out with friends, you’re an ambassador for the King. When you go to work, meet with a client, participate in a meeting, work on a project, drive a nail, create a blueprint, welcome a customer, or write a white paper, you’re still an ambassador for the King.


But many people are usually burdened with the task of sharing their faith, especially at work where there are many restrictions on this area. It can also seem very daunting, leading to different thoughts that are highlighted below –


  • Has God really given me this job to reach the people around me?
  • It seems like I’m the only Christian. It’s lonely and hard doing this on my own.
  • I see these people every day. What will happen to our working relationships if I say something that offends them?
  • I want to have an impact, but how do I start?


So then, how can we  share our faith with our colleagues while maintaining a high-level of integrity about what’s appropriate at the workplace? Here are 5 brilliant ideas:


  • Show that you really care about people


Jesus cared deeply about the poor and the heartbroken as shown in the scriptures, demonstrating his compassion in tangible ways: healing the sick, lepers and also ministering to their personal needs. In Isaiah 61:3, we are told that the Spirit of the Lord comforts those who are grieving and sorrowful, consoling “those who mourn in Zion, to give them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness.” .

 As you deepen friendships with coworkers, ask sincere questions and truly listen in a spirit of caring as they share about their lives. When appropriate, tell others you’re praying for them. (Then make sure you actually do pray!)

  • Contribute on matters that relate to the gospel


Refuse to hide or play-down the importance of your faith. When it naturally fits a conversation, freely talk about the role your church, prayer, Scripture, and Christian community have in your life. Let others see the joy and purpose you find in your faith.

  • Be excellent at work


Paul wrote in Titus “In everything set them an example by doing what is good. In your teaching,  show integrity, seriousness and soundness of speech that cannot be condemned, so that those who oppose you may be ashamed because they have nothing bad to say about us’ ‘ Titus 2:7-8 We should strive for excellence, mastery and integrity in our workplace. Don’t be a slacker or a poor worker doing things just for the fun of it or having a nonchalant attitude; be the person that co-workers and supervisors can rely on to do a solid job. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your father in heaven! 

  • Hangout outside of work


This may sound a bit weird, but it’s something that can be done! We sometimes have after work socials and drinks where people socialise with others and build new connections at work. We can also apply the same for the gospel as christians. As you deepen your relationship with a non-Christian co-worker, invite her for lunch off-site or to a weekend night out for a movie and coffee. Being out of the workplace environment will set a more open tone as you talk and get to know each other better. Being off-site will also allow you more freedom to talk directly about your faith and to share the gospel.

  • Listen to the Holy Spirit


The HolySpirit has an important ministry which guides us into all truth. Your evangelism may not be as effective if you don’t involve the spirit of God to lead and to teach you on how to go about the work of the Kingdom. Be attentive to the Holy Spirit’s leading. When you’re unsure about whether or not to say something about your faith, check in with God. He’ll nudge you in the right direction and will give you the words to say (Mark 13:11).


God’s put you right where he wants you—he’s got a plan for you to shine his light in your workplace! So invite God to challenge you about bringing your faith to work. You may be surprised by how much can be achieved by your obedience.

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