We’ve often had people say that they don’t really believe in God or they are not religious, because they’ve never been given any reasons to believe in such a being or they believe they are good people. Even people who have gone to Church for many years have said the same thing – no evidence for God has been offered, so they just go to church to please their parents / partner / family or friends. But it means little to them because they can’t see that Christianity can be true if God doesn’t exist.
Following or believing in God doesn’t need to be forced down our throats because God has given everyone a choice. The hard truth is that believing in God does require faith. Since God is invisible and dwells in what is supernatural to us humans, we will never be able to physically see Him. God dwells in a realm that cannot be tested or quantified by science, we cannot get a final answer from science by itself. Thus, believing in God is ultimately a choice that is largely determined by our faith or lack thereof. Isn’t the miracle of life itself a reason to believe in God?

God is love, he wants to have a personal relationship with everyone who chooses to believe in him. God becomes real when you open your heart to receive him. Welcoming Jesus into your heart is one of the first steps to being a Christian, but how do you do that? Accepting Christ as your Lord and Savior isn’t as difficult as you may think. Yes, it takes some soul searching and dedication, but He’s there to guide you every step of the way. God’s gift of salvation is available to everyone who believes
A gift is usually something ‘paid for’ by another and given free of charge – no strings attached. We do not earn or deserve a gift, otherwise it would be a payment or a reward. However, when a gift is given, it only becomes ours when we freely accept it.
God gave us the greatest of all gifts. He humbled Himself and became a man (Jesus Christ) and willingly went to the cross to pay the penalty for the sins of the world so anyone who chooses may have everlasting life instead of judgement.
None of us deserves Jesus’ precious gift of salvation because none of us is perfect and that’s okay. No matter how hard we try on our own, we’ve all done bad things, carried awful motives and harmed others. The Bible tells us that “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23, NIV, emphasis added). Every human needs to be rescued from themselves. Receiving the gift simply requires what I envision as a turn and a walk. We turn away from our sin and walk to a life of FREEDOM – following Jesus.
When we choose to believe and surrender our life to Jesus, his blood cleanses us from all our sin. As we accept this gift of salvation, we are reunited with God. Jesus becomes our personal Saviour, and we can enjoy the blessings of being his child! Someday Jesus is coming back. He will take all the true believers to heaven and there they will live forever with God. It is my sincere prayer you will make that all-important decision today. If you are ready to commit your life to Jesus Christ, then pray this prayer:
“Jesus, I believe that you are the Son of God and Saviour of the world. I believe that you died for my sins and rose from the dead. I believe that through your sacrifice, I am a new person. Forgive me for my sin and fill me with your Spirit. Today, I choose to follow you for the rest of my life as Lord of my life. Amen.”
How awesome is that! Now what are the next steps?
Please fill our form on contact us page or call us on 07425483933 and someone in our team will discuss with you to explain the significance of your decision and guide you on next steps
God bless you