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Intentionally Chosen: Adesewa’s Journey to Salvation and Faith

In this heartfelt interview, we dive into Adesewa’s salvation journey, a story that beautifully portrays God’s intentionality in calling her to Himself. From a works-based and self-righteous life to discovering the profound love of God, Adesewa shares her transformation, the excitement of her Christian walk, and the significance of active evangelism in her faith.

Interviewer: Hello, Can you tell us more about yourself?

Adesewa: Hello, my name is Sewa. I am a lover of people and I really enjoy forming authentic connections with people around me. I like to find out what drives people, their experiences and how that has shaped their ideology and who they are today  – perhaps in another life I would have made an excellent psychologist, but for now, I am a current PhD student in Cancer Sciences. 

Interviewer: Can you tell us more about your salvation journey?

Adesewa: My salvation journey is one that portrays God’s intentionality in calling me to Himself. I was brought up in a Christian family, I knew of God but I really did not know Him for myself. I initially had the belief that my salvation was based on my parents’ faith, and then later the faith of people around me, simply put, I was a Christian because that was all I was exposed to. I tried to maintain the works-based religion and I was failing in every aspect- I was always the person in church every 2-3 weeks “rededicating” their life to God. 

I cannot remember the exact day I became saved, but I remember just being tired of trying to earn my salvation and I prayed (by myself in my room) to God that I was done trying and I needed his help to know, and to love Him. A few Sundays after, there was an announcement for a baptism service in my church after the service and I publicly professed my faith in Christ and I got baptised! The scripture my Pastor had the time had spoken over me during my baptism was Mark 12:30 “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength”. 

Interviewer: What was your life like before you accepted Christ?

Adesewa: Life before Christ was one filled with a works-based and self-righteousness. I would constantly strive to earn God love and forgiveness whilst being caught up in repetitive cycles of unending sin, particularly the subtler sins. I would seek after everything but God to satisfy my desires and needs. In a sense, I was my own God.

Interviewer: What has been the most exciting part of your christian walk so far?

Adesewa: The most exciting part – okay I have two. First, coming to the realisation that God actually wants to reveal Himself to me , and he desires for me to know him intimately. This is really profound to me because this is the same God who holds the whole universe, he is mindful of me- yes mind blowing! Second exciting part is my faith community- I have been stretched, encouraged and found joy within the various faith groups, either my church , bible study groups or just being around of christians. It has been a good reminder of what eternity in fellowship would look like and that in itself makes me excited.

Interviewer: Do you think active evangelism is super important? If Yes, why?

Adesewa: Yes, I think active evangelism is important in the sense that we get to share about the good news of Christ, that Christ died for sinners and he is the answer to the deepest desires and longings we all have. A lot of people are searching for answers and have a void in their lives in which they turn to other vices to fill, I like to think about active evangelism as being the solution to this. Most importantly, it is important because Christ encouraged us to do so. We are to teach the word of God with the promise that God will be with us till the very end. 

Interviewer: What advice would you give believers who have not started to actively evangelise?

Adesewa: The one advice I would give is don’t overthink it- you will be surprised how much people are actually willing to engage in a conversation about God and are seeking for Him. Often it seems like we are alone during this path of evangelism but as mentioned above, we can hold on to God’s promises that he will be with us through everything step of the way. 

Interviewer: Any last words for all believers?

Adesewa: Be encouraged and filled with hope- Romans 15:13 “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope”.

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