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The Greatest Story Ever

Have you ever heard the greatest story ever? No? Well, sit back and enjoy.

It was the year 2162 and the entire earth had been overrun by pollution of all kinds, living was difficult and life was hard. Asides the environmental collapse and the negative effects it brought on, there wasn’t any good news on the economic front either. You see, the whole word has been overrun with debt: every single person on earth owes the banks $1 trillion each! A debt too great for anyone to pay.

So you see, life and living was bleak.

However, one day, word started to spread about a Prince who seemed to have come out of nowhere, and was offering to pay the debts owed by every single person on earth.

The Prince had spoken with the courts and the Judge had ruled that by legal precedent, in order for a debt to be transferred from one person to another, the both people had to be related. What this meant was that although the Prince was willing to take on and pay the debts of every single human, His payment would only be valid if he had a family relation with the debtors.

So, the Prince made a deposit at the bank that was sufficient to cover everyone’s debt, and then sent word out saying: “I have seen that you have a debt too great for you to pay; but I have paid it all for you. All you have to do is allow my Father to adopt you into our family, and your debts would be wiped clean away”.

When the word spread around, many people laughed and mocked the Prince, questioning his intentions, questioning his capacity to pay off the debts, and even doubting that the Prince existed. Some others upon hearing the message, rushed to the Prince’s house to be adopted into His family; and truly the moment they signed and got adopted, their debts were wiped clean.

I have a question for you though; if you were one of the citizens of earth in this story, how would you respond? Would you reject the Prince’s sacrifice for you? Would you question his intentions or authority or capacity? Would you altogether call him a lie or fake news? Or would you joyfully accept His payment for you and live happily ever after in his family?

You see, this story isn’t fictional – it really did happen. Not in some distant future, not in some alternate universe, but in our very own world. We (you and I) are the  citizens of earth in that story; and the good Prince is Jesus. You see, each of us humans owed a debt of sin that we could never pay on our own…but Jesus came to pay! And here’s the other part of the good news: all you have to do is to believe in Him (to believe that He is God, and that He paid the price for your salvation). How did He pay the price, you ask – it was through His death and resurrection: because you see, the wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23).

If you choose this day to accept Jesus and His payment for you, all you have to do is say the following prayer from your heart:

Jesus, I believe You are the Son of God, I believe God sent you to pay for my sin with your blood. I believe you paid the price for me, and I receive your sacrifice for me. Today, I ask that You come into my heart and be my Lord and Saviour, from this day till forever. 

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