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Year 2024 – Who will go? Jesus’ Call to Evangelism

How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher?

– Romans 10:14

The call is great; it is one that has no end, and the call is life because the call is Salvation towards men. We love how the Bible captures it in the above verse, “How shall they hear without a preacher?” Who will go? A question for an individual, family, group of people or organisation that will say like Isaiah, “Here I am Lord, send me.”

Many souls await the word of life and healing, many may have not heard the word, there are those on the wrong path, many know the word, but do not understand, and many understand but do not want to accept. It is for these people that the call was made. But how will they hear without a preacher?

The call has therefore gone out. Who will go into the world to proclaim the gospel of Christ to the dying and lonely at heart? Who will go deliver the sick, save the oppressed, bring back the backsliding soul, restore the faith of the weak and show forth the light of Christ without being ashamed? Will you answer the call, not minding the trials and persecution, not minding the society?

The souls of men are yearning and waiting for the manifestation of the sons and daughters of God. The uttermost gift a believer can give to his neighbour is to bring his neighbour to Christ. We should not forget that the key to the kingdom of God is not in gaining wealth, but faith in the Word, accepting Christ and the baptism of the water and spirit (John 3:5).

God is looking for men and women like you and me for His glory and proclamation, we are his witnesses (Acts 1:8) because the Holy Spirit bears this witness within us, we are the sons and daughters of God (Romans 8:16).

Reasons we should answer the call: Will you GO?

The harvest, therefore, is plenteous, but the laborers are few– (Matthew 9:37). There are many reasons we should answer the call.

1. It is a command (Mark 16:15)
And he said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature,”

The command is to go; not to stay in our church or home. He said, “Go out there, move out of your comfort zone in search of the lost, spread the Gospel. Tell them about me, tell them I can accept them just the way they are. Heal the sick, raise the dead because you have the authority.” Ours is to do His bidding. To go forth into the world. If you love him, keep His command.

2. We are witnesses (Luke 24:48, Acts 1:8)
…And you shall be witnesses to me…

He has called us his witnesses; we have read, seen and heard of his mighty work, the sick are healed, the lame can walk, the blind can see, the bound freed, so he is saying take these testimonies abroad all nations, be a witness, speak the truth, speak what you have seen and heard, the truth is the living word of God which can save and bring the sinner to repentance, remember Christ sent out his disciples two by two, telling them to preach about his kingdom. Be a witness for Christ, answer the call.

3. Jesus is the answer, not just church
This point reminds me of T. L. Osborn’s book on Soul-winning, where he said:

“They will not come to the church. We must go out after them—out where they are so that Christ can speak to them through us.”

During Jesus’ ministry apart from teaching in the synagogue, he taught publicly, in an open space, seizing every opportunity that came his way to teach about the kingdom of God and call people to repentance.

Jesus knew those that needed saving were out there and would not come to church. It is therefore our responsibility as sons and daughters, as unselfish children of God, to spread the love of Salvation to them. Jesus went to the tax collector and sat with him, and other tax collectors and sinners came to him.

“For I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance,”

Would you not be so glad seeing a recent convert in your church on Sunday and knowing that God used you to save a soul? It is therefore our duty to go into the world and speak to them because not until we go out into the world will they come into the church.

4. You are anointed (Isaiah 61:1-2)
You have been anointed to preach. Yes, you read well. The calling to the office of a pastor is different. We have all been anointed to spread the gospel, to preach deliverance to the captive, recovery of sight to the blind, liberty to the oppressed and the acceptable year of God.

This is the reason we must go; people need to hear the Good News. The call is urgent. The call should be as important to us as studying the Bible is. The Word of God we read and study is not only meant to benefit us but also those around us who haven’t known Christ.

5. There will be joy in heaven over a repentant soul (Luke 15:7)
“I say to you that likewise there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine just persons who need no repentance.”

Wow! Imagine the joy in heaven over a repentant soul you led to Christ. Imagine God looking down at you smiling and saying well done for bringing this soul to His kingdom. What other things can satisfy you more than knowing God is pleased with you?

6. The nations are waiting for our manifestation (Romans 8:19)
The world is waiting for us to act, we should not be timid, they want to see what we can offer; they want to hear what we have to say; they await the revealing. Ponder on this, How can God’s will be revealed if we do not go, if we say it is not our business and remain comfortable, the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God.

7. To lift burdens (Luke 13:16)
“So ought not this woman, being a daughter of Abraham, whom Satan has bound for eighteen years be loosed from this bond?”

Many people are weighed down by the burden of life. So many don’t have the will to move on. So many are covered in shame and despair. They await a witness to free them from the shackles of the enemy and this we can achieve only if we have the compassion Jesus showed this woman. The only way to show this, is to go out there.

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